Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

Counselling and Support Services

BC Association of Clinical Counsellors
This organization offers counselling services on a fee-for-service basis. The website provides a list of counsellors and workshops.

BC Parenting Coordination
This is a service provided for a fee by professionals who use a dispute resolution process that focuses on children. There is also a lot of related information on the website.

BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions
This website is devoted to issues around mental health and addictions and has information about supports and services for people experiencing problems in these areas and their family members.

Children Who Witness Abuse Counselling Information Contact List
These counsellors help children cope with, and heal from, the trauma of living in a abusive situation. Support is also provided to the parent who has been abused by their partner.

This is a website committed to providing individuals, couples, and families in BC with the counselling assistance they need and has information about resources that promote healing and recovery. Counselling is provided on a fee-for service basis.

Family Services of Greater Vancouver
This is a community-based not-for-profit organization providing free support and counselling services to children, youth, adults, and families across Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, New Westminster and Surrey.

VictimLINK staff provide information, support, and referrals to services or contacts in your community 24 hours a day. Interpretation services are available for all major languages spoken in BC.
Throughout BC: 1-800-563-0808 (call no charge)
If you are deaf or hard of hearing: TTY service: (604) 875-0885 (collect calls accepted)
Text-message: (604) 836-6381