Justice Education Society
This animated, highly interactive website is designed to help BC kids experiencing parental divorce or separation. The virtual world of "Changeville" provides a range of information and activities for children to explore. This exploration takes place through the use of a personally created avatar that walks through Changeville to visit the Park, Legal Street, Break Up Street and the Mall. The website is targeted to children ages 6 to 12 and it can be explored alone, or with one or both parents.
Court Tips for Parents Representing Themselves in Supreme Court
Justice Education Society
Parents in Supreme Court regarding a child support order must be properly prepared to present their cases. Court Tips for Parents features seven instructional videos on this area of family law.
Kids In the Middle Videos
Justice Education Society
These short videos take the kids' perspective - how kids feel, and how you can help your children when parents break up, separate, or get divorced.
Child Support Guidelines: You Can Help (Information for Service Providers)
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia. 10 min, VHS.
Children: The Experts on Divorce
Outreach Productions, NB. 15 min, VHS
Divorce and Separation: Legal Considerations
Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick, 2000. 20 min, VHS.
“Divorce and Separation” explores one aspect of the separation and divorce process-the legal issues relating directly to the children. Parents who have decided to live apart must decide who will take care of the children, how much time the children will spend with each parent, and how they will share the financial responsibility. This video also encourages parents not to involve their children in their disputes.
Kids in the Middle: Parenting After Separation for Aboriginal Communities
Saskatchewan Justice, University of Saskatchewan. DVD
This DVD helps parents as well as the children deal with issues such as the experience of separating for adults, guiding your child through the separation process, you and the other parent, the legal issues and finally many resources the parents and the children can use in the process of separation.
Let’s Talk About Divorce: Children’s DVD
Calgary Counseling Centre
The “Let’s Talk about Divorce” DVD program focuses on the needs of children and encourages a strong positive relationship with both parents. The program consists of three pieces-two DVD’s and a handbook. The two DVD’s provided are intended for the parent as well as the child to watch, preferably together and discussing the issues afterwards.
The Purple Family
Hawaii State Judiciary, 1999. DVD
This slightly wacky, but emotionally honest story shows the struggle of a typical family as it goes through separation and beyond – to a new self-definition.
Up to Parents
Flash disk with links to program materials from the website.