Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

Websites for Separating Adults


Families Change
The Families Change website has information and resources designed to help children, pre-teens, and teens understand separation and divorce. It also has resources for parents and professionals and links to useful information at other websites.



Videos and DVDs

Justice Education Society


Books for Parents and Children

A Separation in My Family
Wendy Deaton Hunter House, 1994
An excellent resource for kids to go through and draw different things about their experiences.  A very creative, child friendly program designed for use with elementary school children, filled with original understanding, and optimal growth.


Additional Recommended Reading

For Children

Blume, Judy. It’s Not the End of the World, Yearling Books, 1986

Canada. Department of Justice. What Happens Next?: Information for Kids about Separation and Divorce. 2007.

Fassler, David, Michele Lash, and Sally B. Ives. Changing Families: A Guide for Kids and Grown-Ups. Waterfront Books, 1988.

Ford, M. My Parents are Divorced, Too: A Book for Kids by Kids. Magination Press Division, 1997.

Girard, L. At Daddy’s House on Saturdays. Albert Whitman, 1991.
